Why should we choose your services?

We guarantee an affordable service and promise to deliver outstanding results, every single time. Our number one priority is to keep customers happy, so we do everything we can to ensure that we build and maintain healthy relationships with our clients.

Do You Charge By the Hour?

Our prices vary depending on the size of the job, the services being requested, as well as the frequency of those services. The more services that are combined, the bigger discount you receive for the job!

What changes have you made to keep customers safe from Covid-19?

Commercial Cleaning Pros uses disinfecting products, and we follow all CDC guidelines when applicable. Please let us know if you have any special requests to make you and your employees feel more at ease. We promise to do everything we can to ensure a sanitary environment during and after our cleaning.

Are you insured?

Yes, we are proud to say that Commercial Cleaning Pros LLC is bonded and insured. We want our customers to feel confident in everything we do.